We’ve compiled our top tips on the process of planning and executing a brand or product shoot from start to finish, ensuring you’re well equipped to get the most out of your time and team! If you’re still feeling stuck, get in touch! We’d love to chat through your needs.

1.     DEFINE YOUR Objectives

Always start with why. What is the purpose of your shoot and what do you want to achieve with these images? Are you looking to launch a new brand or to photograph new product for your ecommerce store? It’s important to have a purpose and end goal in mind when planning a shoot, no matter how big or small.

Once you know what you’re needing it’s important to also consider how and where your final images are going to be used – are they for digital use on your website or social media? Or perhaps for a printed flyer, advertisement or packaging. Think about how any images might need to be cropped for final use, whether they need to be horizontally or vertically placed, and jot any specific image sizes down. Also consider if text is going to be overlaid or placed onto any images and make sure there will be enough clear space allocated for this.


2.     CREATE A Brief & MOOD BOARD

With the above in mind, create a document that will help to convey your vision. This handy reference will be shared with your photographer and any other creatives you might hire to assist with the shoot (for example stylists, hair and make-up artists, videographers etc.). A brief can be written notes, sketches or inspirational images that help to convey the mood, colour, texture, tone and lighting that you’re going for (and sometimes what you’d rather avoid!). We’d suggest putting together a word document or PDF that can be printed out and brought along with you on shoot day.


3.     CREATE A Budget

 A shoot often involves more than just a photographer. Depending on the idea you’re executing you may also need to factor in costs for location, samples, props, catering, and the rest of your creative team such as stylists, hair and makeup artists and assistants. All of the above can be worth their weight in gold to elevate your images to an outstanding level and to help with the smooth running of the day.


4.     SOURCE YOUR team

You’ve worked out the look and feel of the shoot, created a brief and decided out how much you’re ready to invest, now it’s time to source your team.

Referring back to credits for any images you’ve included in your mood board is a great place to start. You can also search hashtags on social media (eg #geelongphotographers) and check out local websites and publications for work that catches your eye.  Each photographer, stylist, make-up artist or creative will have their own style and speciality so have a look through their online portfolios and past examples of work to find people who align with your vision.

We regularly work with a variety of creative folk so we’re always happy to have a chat and make some recommendations.


5.     CREATE A Shot List AND Run Sheet

Both a shot list and run sheet are important documents to keep things organised and running smoothly on your shoot day. Depending on how complicated your shots are you could get through anywhere from five to twenty images per day. Each image might be a single product, look or recipe and should include any particular styling or set notes, props that might be needed and sizing or lighting requirements.

Get this document to your creative team in advance to allow them to be as prepared as possible, they will also be able to provide feedback on how long they think each shot will take to style and capture. If you’re shooting at THE KO we will happily print out your shot list for you and have it ready at the studio when you arrive.

Our top tip here – allow more time for each shot than you think you will need and also ensure to build in time for breaks. It’s important to have enough time to allow creativity to flow and to mitigate any unexpected surprises!


6.     Shoot DAY

Allow plenty of time for travel to and from your location, prep a great playlist, bring snacks for your team and try to relax and enjoy the day! Once your shoot is complete, we’d also suggest jotting down some notes on what worked well and what can be improved for next time.

If you’re still feeling a little overwhelmed or unsure, please get in touch! We’d love to help. If you’re on the hunt for the perfect studio location make sure to check out our Photography Studio and Gallery Space to see if they might suit your needs.


